2025年  01月24日  星期五
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左金清(ZUO Jinqing) 研究员,室副主任

Tel: 0086-10-68406403
Email: zuojq@cma.gov.cn




理学博士、硕士生导师,中国气象局青年气象英才,主要从事中高纬度大气动力学、下垫面外强迫和大气环流异常对东亚气候的影响与机理及预测技术研究。揭示了北极涛动/北大西洋涛动(AO/NAO)与中国南方冬季气温之间关系的季节内和年代际变化及其成因,分析了模式对AO/NAO次季节变率的预测性能与可预报性来源;从中高纬度和副热带遥相关两个角度,研究了大西洋海温异常对西北太平洋反气旋和东亚夏季风年际变率的影响机制;分析了秋季北极海冰对中国冬季气温的影响及其机理,发展了基于海冰前期信号的冬季气温预测技术;研发了面向两类ENSO的物理统计预报模型,并在国家气候中心新一代ENSO预测系统中业务运行,回报和预报效果良好。在Climate Dynamics、J. Climate、Adv. Atmos. Sci. 等学术期刊上发表论文30余篇,其中第一/通讯作者SCI/SCIE论文10余篇。


3.国家重点研发计划课题“平流层准两年振荡机理及对东亚气候年际变率的影响研究”( 2018YFC1506003),2018年12月-2021年8月,专题负责人;


1.Ren Hong-Chang, Jinqing Zuo*, Weijing Li, 2021: The impact of tropical Atlantic SST variability on the tropical atmosphere during boreal summer. J Climate, 34: 6705–6723.
2.Zuo Jinqing, Sun Chenghu, Li Wweijing, Wu Jie, Ren Hong-Chang, 2020: Representation of the boreal summer tropical Atlantic–western North Pacific teleconnection in AGCMs: Comparison of CMIP5 and CMIP6. Climate Dynamics, 55:3025–3041.
3.Zuo Jinqing, Li Weijing, Sun Chenghu, Ren Hong-chang, 2019: Remote forcing of the northern tropical Atlantic SST anomalies on the western North Pacific anomalous anticyclone. Climate Dynamics, 52: 2837–2853.
4.Zuo Jinqing, Hong-Li Ren, Weijing Li, and Lei Wang, 2016: Interdecadal Variations in the Relationship between the Winter North Atlantic Oscillation and Temperature in South-Central China. J. Climate, 29, 7477-7493.
5.Zuo Jinqing, Hong-Li Ren, Bingyi Wu, and Weijing Li, 2016: Predictability of winter temperature in China from previous autumn Arctic sea ice. Climate Dynamics, 47: 2331–2343.
6.Zuo Jinqing, Hong-Li Ren, Jie Wu, Yu Nie, and Qiaoping Li, 2016: Subseasonal variability and predictability of the Arctic Oscillation/North Atlantic Oscillation in BCC_AGCM2.2. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 75: 33–45.
7.Zuo Jinqing, Hong-Li Ren, and Weijing Li, 2015: Contrasting impacts of the Arctic Oscillation on surface air temperature anomalies in southern China between early and middle-to-late winter. J. Climate, 28: 4015–4026.
8.Zuo Jinqing, Weijing Li, Chenghu Sun, Li Xu, and Hong-Li Ren, 2013: Impact of the North Atlantic sea surface temperature tripole on the East Asian summer monsoon. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 30(4): 1173-1186.
9.Zuo Jinqing, Jianping Huang, Jiemin Wang, Wu Zhang, Jianrong Bi, Guoyin Wang, Weijing Li, and Peijian Fu, 2009: Surface turbulent flux measurements over the Loess Plateau for a semi-arid climate change study. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 26(4): 679–691.
10.Zuo Jinqing, Weijing Li, Hongli Ren, Lijuan Chen, 2012: Change of the relationship between spring NAO and East Asian summer monsoon and its possible mechanism. Chinese J. Geophys.,55(1): 23-34. (左金清,李维京,任宏利,陈丽娟,2012:春季北大西洋涛动与东亚夏季风年际关系的转变及其可能成因分析. 地球物理学报, 55(2): 384-395.)
11.Zuo Jinqing, Hongli Ren, Weijing Li, Peiqun Zhang, Mingzhu Yang, 2009:Intraseasonal characteristics of the water vapor transport associated with the low-frequency rainfall regimes over Southern China in summer. Chinese J. Geophys., 52(5): 922-935. (左金清,任宏利,李维京,张培群,杨明珠,2009:我国南方夏季低频雨型的季节内水汽输送特征. 地球物理学报,52(9): 2210-2221.)
12.Ren Hong-Li, Jinqing Zuo*, Yi Deng, 2019: Statistical predictability of Nino indices for two types of ENSO. Climate Dynamics, 52: 5361–5382.
13.Hong-Li Ren, Jinqing Zuo, Fei‑Fei Jin, Malte F. Stuecker, 2016: ENSO and annual cycle interaction: the combination mode representation in CMIP5 models. Climate Dynamics, 46: 3753–3765.
14.左金清, 李维京, 任宏利, 2013: CMIP5模式对北极涛动的模拟评估. 气候变化研究进展, 9 (3): 157-164. (Zuo Jinqing, Weijing Li, Hongli Ren, 2013: Representation of the Arctic Oscillation in the CMIP5 Models. Advances in Climate Change Research, 4(4): 242-249.)
15.左金清,王介民,黄建平,李维京,王国印,任宏利,2010:半干旱草地地表土壤热通量的计算及其对能量平衡的影响. 高原气象,29(4): 840-848. (Zuo Jinqing, Jiemin Wang, Jianping Huang, Weijing Li, Guoyin Wang, and Hongli Ren, 2011: Estimation of ground heat flux and its impact on the surface energy budget for a semi-arid grassland. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 3(1): 41–50.)
16.任宏昌,左金清*,李维京,2017:2016年和1998年北大西洋海温异常对中国夏季降水影响的数值模拟研究. 气象学报, 75(6):877–893.